4.33. A girl riding a bicycle with a speed of 5 m/s towards north direction, observes rain falling vertically down. If she increases her speed to 10 m/s, rain appears to meet her at 45o to the vertical. What is the speed of the rain? In what direction does rainfall as observed by a ground-based observer?

Hint: Apply the concept of relative velocity.
Step 1: Find the horizontal velocity of rain.

Assume north to be i^ direction and vertically downward to be -j^.
Let the rain velocity, v = ai^ + bj^.
vr = ai^+bj^
 Given velocity of girl = vg = (5 m/s)i^

Let vrg = Velocity of rain w.r.t girl

= vrvg = (ai^+bj^)  5i^= (a5)i^ ^+ bj^

According to the question rain, appears to fall vertically downward.
Hence,             a - 5 = 0  a = 5

Step 2: Find the vertical velocity of rain.

Given the velocity of the girl, vg = (10 m/s)i^

According to question rain appears to fall at 45 to the vertical hence
 b = a -10 = 5 - 10 = - 5
Hence, velocity of rain = ai^ + bj^

vr=5i^5j^Step 3: Find speed of rain, and direction of rain fall w.r.to earth frame Speed of rain =|vr|=(5)2+(5)2=50=52m/stanθ = -55 = -1θ = - 45°.