The figure shows a lamina in \(\text{XY}\)-plane. Two axes \(\text{z}\) and \(z'\) pass perpendicular to its plane. A force \(\vec{F}\) acts in the plane of the lamina at point P as shown. (The point \(\text{p}\) is closer to the \(z'\)-axis than the \(\text{z}\)-axis.)


(a) torque \(\vec{\tau}\) caused by \(\vec{F}\) about \(\text{z}\)-axis is along - \(\hat{k}\)
(b) torque \(\vec{\tau}'\) caused by \(\vec{F}\) about \(z'\)-axis is along - \(\hat{k}\)
(c) torque caused by \(\vec{F}\) about the \(\text{z}\)-axis is greater in magnitude than that about the z'-axis
(d) total torque is given by \(\vec{\tau}_{net}=\vec{\tau}+\vec{\tau}'\)

Choose the correct option:
1. (c, d)
2. (a, c)
3. (b, c)
4. (a, b)

(3) Hint: The direction of the torque depends on the direction of the force and the magnitude f the torque depends on the distance of the force from the axis.

Step 1: Find the direction of the torque about the two axes.

(a) Consider the adjacent diagram, where r > r'.
   Torque τ about z-axis = r x F which is along k^

(b) τ=r×F which is along k^

Step 2: Find the magnitude of the torque about the two axes.

(c) |τ|z=Fr= the magnitude of the torque about the z-axis where r is the perpendicular distance between F and z-axis.
Similarly, |τ|z=FrClearly, r>r|τ|z>|τ|z

(d) We are always calculating resultant torque about a common axis.

Hence, total torque τnetτ+τ, because τ and τ' are not about a common axis.