A uniform cube of mass \(m\) and side \(a\) is placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. A vertical force \(F\) is applied to the edge as shown in the figure. Match the following (most appropriate choice).


List- I List- II
(a) \(mg/4<F<mg/2\) (i) cube will move up.
(b) \(F>mg/2\) (ii) cube will not exhibit motion.
(c) \(F>mg\) (iii) cube will begin to rotate and slip at \(A\).
(d) \(F=mg/4\) (iv) normal reaction effectively at \(a/3\) from \(A\), no motion.
1. a - (i), b - (iv), c - (ii), d - (iii)
2. a - (ii), b - (iii), c - (i), d - (iv)
3. a - (iii), b - (i), c - (ii), d - (iv)
4. a - (i), b - (ii), c - (iv), d - (iii)
Hint: Recall the concept of toppling.
Step 1: Find torque due to \(F\) and \(mg\) about point \(A.\)

Consider the given diagram, the moment of the force \(F\) about point \(A,\) \(τ _1  = r\times F\) (anti-clockwise)
The moment of weight \(mg\) of the cube about point \(A.\)

\(τ _2 = mg × \frac{a}{ 2}\)( clockwise )

Step 2: Equate the torques for no motion and find the value of \(F.\)

Cube will not exhibit motion if  \(\tau_1=\tau_2\)

( In this case, both the torque will cancel the effect of each other)
\(F × a = mg × \frac{a}{ 2} ⇒ F = \frac{mg}{ 2}\)

Step 3: Find the value of \(F\) for which the cube will rotate.

Cube will rotate only when, \(𝜏 _1 > 𝜏 _2\)
\(⇒   F × a > mg × \frac{a} {2} ⇒ F > \frac{mg} {2}\)

Step 4: If the normal reaction is acting at \(a/3\) from point \(A\) and for no motion find \(F\) and interpret.
Let the normal reaction is acting at \(a/3\) from point \(A,\) then
\(mg × \frac{a}{ 3} = F × a~\text{  or }~ F = \frac{mg}{ 3} \) (For no motion) 

When \(F = \frac{mg}{ 4},\) which is less than \(mg/3.\)                          \(\left( F < \frac{mg}{ 3}\right ) \)
there will be no motion.

Hence, option (2) is the correct answer.