The temperature of the wire is doubled. Young's modulus of elasticity:

1. will also double. 2. will become four times.
3. will remain the same. 4. will decrease.
(4) Hint: Young's modulus is the property of the material of the wire.
Step 1: Find the change in length of the wire.
We know that with an increase in temperature, the length of a wire changes as; Lt=Lo(1+αT)
where T is the change in the temperature, L0 is the original length, α is the coefficient of linear expansion and Lt is the length at temperature T.
Now, we can write, L=Lt-Lo=LoαT
Step 2: Find Young's modulus.
Young's modulus (Y) = StressStrain=F LoA ×L=FLoALoαT1T
As Y1T, when temperature increases, Y decreases.