A copper and a steel wire of the same diameter are connected end to end. A deforming force \(F\) is applied to this composite wire which causes a total elongation of \(1\) cm. The two wires will have:
(a) the same stress (b) different stress
(c) the same strain (d) different strain

Choose the correct option:
1. (a), (b) 2. (a), (d)
3. (b), (c) 4. (c), (d)
(2) Hint: The tension or compression in the wires will be the same.
Step 1: Find the stress in both the wires.
Consider the diagram where a deforming force F is applied to the combination.
                            For steel wire, Ysteel=StressStrain=F/AStrainsteel
                            For copper wire, Ycopper=StressStrain=F/AStraincopper
where F is tension in each wire and A is the cross-section area of each wire.
As F and A are the same for both the wires, hence, stress will be the same for both the wires.
Step 2: Find the strain in the two wires.
(Strain)steel=StressYsteel, Straincopper=StressYcopper
As YsteelYcopper
Hence, the two wires will have different strain.