Pressure is a scalar quantity because:

(a) it is the ratio of force to the area and both force and area are vectors.
(b) it is the ratio of the magnitude of the force to the area.
(c) it is the ratio of the component of the force normal to the area.
(d) it does not depend on the size of the area chosen.

Choose the correct alterative/s:

1. (b), (c) 2. (a), (d)
3. (b), (d) 4. (c), (d)   

Hint: In the case of pressure, we only take the magnitude of the force.

Explanation: Pressure is defined as the ratio of the magnitude of the component of the force normal to the area and the area under consideration. Let a force is applied on a plane surface as shown in the figure.

Then the pressure is given by; \(P = \frac{F_n}{\Delta A}\). As we are considering the component of a force, which is a scalar quantity, therefore it will not have any direction. So, the pressure is a scalar quantity.
Hence, option (1) is the correct answer.