ABCDEFGH is a hollow cube made of an insulator (figure). Face ABCD has a positive charge on it. Inside the cube, we have ionised hydrogen. The usual kinetic theory expression for pressure:


(a) will be valid.
(b) will not be valid, since the ions would experience forces other than due to collisions with the walls.
(c) will not be valid, since collisions with walls would not be elastic.
(d) will not be valid because isotropy is lost.

Choose the correct alternatives:
1. only (a)
2. (b), (c)
3. (b), (d)
4. (c), (d)

(3) Hint: Use the concept of kinetic theory.
Due to the presence of an external positive charge on the face ABCD, the usual expression for pressure on the basis of kinetic theory will not be valid as ions would also experience electrostatic forces other than the forces due to collisions with the walls of the container. Due to the presence of a positive charge, the isotropy is also lost.