If an average person jogs, he produces \(14.5 \times10^3\) cal/min. This is removed by the evaporation of sweat. The amount of sweat evaporated per minute (assuming \(1\) kg requires \(580 \times10^3\) cal for evaporation) is:

1. \(0.25\) kg 2. \(0.50\) kg
3. \(0.025\) kg 4. \(0.20\) kg
1. Hint: Use the law of conservation of energy.
Step 1: Find the amount of sweat evaporated.
Amount of sweat evaporated/minute=Sweat produced/minuteNumber of calories required for evaporation/kg
=Amount of heat produced per minute in joggingLatent heat (in cal/kg)
=14.5×103580×103=14.5580=0.025 kg