Figure shows vx, t and vy, t diagrams for a body of unit mass. Find the force as a function of time.

Hint: Use acceleration, a(t) = dvtdt.
Step 1: Find force on the body aong x-axis.
Consider figure (a) 
vx = 2t for 0<t<1s= 2(2t) for 1<t<2s= 0 for t>2s
Fx= max= mdvxdt
= 1×2 for 0<t<1s= 1(2)  for t>2s
Step 2: Find the force on the body along the y-axis.
From figure (b)
vy = t for 0<t<1s
     = 1 for t>1s
Fy = may = mdvydt= 1×1 for 0<t<1s= 0 for t>1sStep 3: Find net force on the body.Hence, F = Fxi^+Fyj^                = 2i^+j^                     for 0 < t < 1s                = 2i^                       for 1 < t < 2s                = 0                            for t > 2s