A reading on Fahrenheit scale is 200°F. The same reading on celsius scale will be :
1. 40°C
2. 94°C
3. 93°C
4. 30°C

Hint: \(^\circ F = \frac{9}{5} t ^\circ C + 32\)
There are three common scales to measure temperature \(^\circ C\) (degree celcius), \(^\circ F\) (degree fahrenheit) and K (kelvin). The K is the SI unit.
The temperature on two cales are related to each other by the following relationship.
\(^\circ F = \frac{9}{5} t ^\circ C + 32\)
Putting the values in above equation
\(200 - 32 = \frac{9}{5} t ^\circ C\)
\(\Rightarrow \frac{9}{5} t ^\circ C = 168\)
\(\Rightarrow t^\circ C = \frac{168 \times 5}{9} = 93 . 3^ \circ C\)