Match the following:

List I List II
A. Adiabatic process i. At constant temperature
B. Isolated system ii. No transfer of heat
C. Isothermal change iii. Heat
D. Path function iv. No exchange of energy and matter


1. ii  iv  iii 
2. iii  iv  i ii
3. iv iii  i ii
4.  iv  ii i iii



Hint: Isothermal process occur at constant temperature.

1. Adiabatic Process:  An adiabatic process is a thermodynamic process which involves the transfer of energy without transfer of heat or mass to the surrounding. In adiabatic process, heat is constant and no transfer of heat takes place.

2. Isolated System: An isolated system is special type of closed system that does not even transfer energy across the boundary.

3. Isothermal Change: The change in which pressure and volume of a gas are changed but the temperature remains constant that change is called isothermal change and the process by which this change occurs is called isothermal process.

4. Path Function: Path functions depend on the path taken to reach one state from another. Heat and work are the example of path function.