Some reactions are written below in Column I and their equilibrium constants in terms of Kc are written in Column II.
Match the following reactions with the corresponding equilibrium constant.
Column I (Reaction) Column II (Equilibrium constant)
A. 2N2(g)+6H2(g)4NH3(g) 1. 2Kc
B. 2NH3(g)N2(g)+3H2(g) 2. Kc1/2
C. 12N2(g)+32H2(g)NH3(g) 3. 1Kc
4. Kc2


1. 4 3 2
2. 1 2 3
3. 1 4 3
4. 4 1 3
Hint: Relations between Equilibrium Constants for a General Reaction and its Multiples.
For the reaction, N2(g)+3H2(g)2NH3(g)
Equilibrium constant Kc=[NH3]2[N2][H2]3
A. The given reaction 2N2(g)+6H2(g)4NH3(g) is twice the above reaction. Hence, K=Kc2
B. The reaction 2NH3(g)2N2(g)+3H2(g) is the reverse of the above reaction. Hence, K=1Kc'
C. The reaction 12N2(g)+32H2(g)NH3(g) is half of the above reaction. Hence, K=Kc=Kc1/2