Match the species given in Column I with properties given in Column II.

Column I Column II
A. Diborane 1. Used as a flux for soldering metals
B.  Quartz 2. Crystalline form of silica
C. Borax 3. Banana bonds
D. Aluminosilicate 4.  Used as a catalyst in petrochemical industries
1. 3 4 1 2
2. 1 2 3 4
3. 3 2 1 4
4. 4 1 3 2
Hint: Zeolite is a hydrated aluminosilicate mineral and used as a catalyst in petrochemical industries
A.  Diborane B2H6 is a 3 center-2 electron system. It contains two banana bonds. The structure is as follows:

B. Borax is used as a flux for soldering metals, for heat, scratch, and stain-resistant glazed coating to earthenwares, and as a constituent of medicinal soaps. A
C.  If aluminium atoms replace a few silicon atoms in a three-dimensional network of silicon dioxide, an overall structure is known as aluminosilicate. It is used as a catalyst in petrochemical industries.
D. Quarts is a crystalline form of silica. Quartz is extensively used as a piezoelectric material; it has made possible to develop extremely accurate clocks, modern radio and television broadcasting and mobile radio communications.
Borax is also used mixed with water as a flux when soldering jewelry metals such as gold or silver, where it allows the molten solder to wet the metal and flow evenly into the joint.