Which of the following statements are correct?

a. All the three N – O bond lengths in HNO3 are equal.
b. All P – Cl bond lengths in PCl5 molecule in the gaseous state are equal.
c. P4 molecule in white phosphorus have angular strain therefore white phosphorus is very reactive.
d. PCl5 is ionic in a solid-state in which cation is tetrahedral and the anion is octahedral.
Choose the correct option
1. (a, b)
2. (b, c)
3. (c, d)
4. (a, d)


Hint: In TBP, axial bonds are longer than equatorial bonds

(a) All the three N – O bond lengths in HNO3 are not equal.
the N - O bond (121 pm) is shorter than N - OH bond (140 pm)

Hence, the statement first is incorrect.
(b) All P – Cl bond lengths in PCl5 molecule in the gaseous state are not equal. An axial bond is longer than an equatorial bond.

Hence,  statement second is incorrect.
(c) White phosphorus is less stable and therefore, more reactive than the other solid phases under normal conditions because of angular strain in the P4 molecule where the angles are only 60°. Hence, the third statement i
(d) PCl5 is ionic in a solid state in which cation is tetrahedral and the anion is octahedral.

PCl4+, and PCl5-

Hence, the fourth statement is correct.

Thus, option third is the correct answer.