The correct IUPAC name for the following compound is:

1.  1-Bromo-2-ethylpropane
2.  1-Bromo-2-ethyl-2-methylethane
3.  1-Bromo-2-methylbutane
4.  2-Methyl-1-bromobutane

(3) The correct IUPAC name of the given compound is


  1. Identify the longest carbon chain: The compound has a chain of four carbon atoms. Therefore, the parent chain is butane.

  2. Identify and number the substituents:

    • Bromine is attached to the first carbon atom. (Number the carbon chain from the end that gives the bromine the lowest possible number.)
    • The methyl group is attached to the second carbon atom.
  3. Assign prefixes and position numbers:

    • The bromine atom attached to the first carbon is indicated by the prefix "1-bromo".
    • The ethyl group attached to the third carbon is indicated by the prefix "2- methyl".
  4. Combine the parts to form the IUPAC name: Combine the prefixes alphabetically, followed by the word root for the longest carbon chain and the suffix for the alkane.

The correct IUPAC name for the given compound is 1-bromo-2-methyl butane.