Q9. Take one flower each of the families Fabaceae and Solanaceae and write its semi-technical description. Also draw their floral

diagram after studying them.

NCERT page 78 , Class 11th( Old NCERT)

 (1) Family Fabaceae/Papilionaceae (pea plant)

Fabaceae/Papilionaceae is a sub-family of the Leguminoseae family.

Vegetative features:

Habit: Pinnately compound, alternately arranged with leaf tendrils with the pulvinus present at the leaf base along folacious stipules.

Root: Tap root system with root nodules. 

Floral features:

Inflorescence: Racemose, generally axial than terminal

Flower: Zygomorphic and bisexual flowers are found

Calyx: It contains five sepals which are gamosepalous while aestivation is imbricate.

Corolla: It contains five petals (polypetalous) with vexillary aestivation.

Androecium: It consists of ten anthers that are diadelphous with dithecous anthers. 

Gynoecium: Monocarpellary superior ovary which is unilocular with marginal placentation.

Fruit: Legume pod with non-endospermic seeds

Floral formula:  

Economic importance: Peas are used as vegetables for making various culinary preparations.                                      

(2) Flowers of Solanum nigrum

Family Solanaceae

Vegetative features:

Habit: Erect, herbaceous plant

Leaves: Simple, exstipulate leaves with reticulate venation Stem:

Erect stem with numerous branches.

Floral features:

Inflorescence: Solitary and axillary

Flowers: Actinomorphic, bisexual flowers

Calyx: Calyx is composed of five sepals that are united and persistent. Aestivation is valvate.

Corolla: Corolla consists of five united petals with valvate aestivation.

Androecium: It consists of five epipetalous stamens.

Gynoecium: It consists of bicarpellary syncarpous superior ovary with axile placentation.

Fruits: Berry

Seeds: Numerous, endospermous

Floral formula:  

Economic importance: Used for medicinal purposes