Structure and function are correlatable in living organisms. Can you justify this by taking plasma membrane as an example?


 In animals and plants, plasma membrane structure and function are correlated. A cell membrane consists of protein, lipid and carbohydrates.
The protein component present in membrane acts as a solute channels allowing the flow of minerals, hormones and cellular information from one organelle to another or from one cell
to another.
In case of plants where minerals are absorbed actively from the soil. The plasma membrane possess proteinaceous carrier.
The oligosaccharides attached to membrane serve as recognition centres and help in recognising foreign entities before allowing them entry into the cell.
The lipid content of plasma membrane in plant and animal cells are arranged with their hydrophilic polar head directed outwards and non-polar hydrophobic tails directed inwards
providing fluidity to he memrane . glycocalyx present in the cell membrane also helps in cellular attachment.