Given below are a few statements related to external fertilisation.

I. The male and female gametes are formed and released simultaneously.
II. Only a few gametes are released into the medium.
III. Water is the medium in a majority of organisms exhibiting external fertilisation.
IV. Offspring formed as a result of external fertilisation have better chances of survival than those formed inside an organism.

Choose the correct statements.

1. lll and lV

2. l and lll

3. ll and lV

4. l and lV

External fertilisaton occurs outside the body of the organism. It takes place in most aquatic organisms, such as a majority of algae and fishes as well as amphibians. Organisms exhibiting external fertilisation release a large number of gametes in the surrounding medium.(e.g., water) in order to enhance the chances of syngamy.
A major disadvantage is that the offspring are extermely vulnerable to predators threatening their survival upto adulthood.