Following statements are given regarding MTP. Choose the correct options given below.

I. MTPs are generally advised during first trimester.
II. MTPs are used as a contraceptive method.
III. MTPs are always surgical.
IV. MTPs require the assistance of qualified medical personnel.

1. II and III

2. II and III

3. I and IV 

4.  I and II

 (c) MTP is considered relatively safe during the first trimester, -e., up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Second-trimester abortions are much more riskier. MTP is done to get rid of unwanted pregnancies either due to casual unprotected intercourse or failure of the contraceptive used during coitus or rapes. MTPs are.also
essential in certain cases where continuation of the pregnancy could be harmful or even fatal either to the mother or to the foetus or both.
MTPs arc not always surgical. Certain pills also act as abortions. They function py inducing menstruation which checks the implantation of the zygote or detaches the
implanted foetus.
In tidie, majority of the MTPs are performed illegally by unqualified quacks. These is unsafe and may result in the death of mother. So, MTPs should be done only in the
presence of qualified medical personnel.