Mode of Action of Hormonal Contraceptives
The hormones releasing IUDs, make the uterus unsuitable for implantation and the cervix hostile to the sperms. Progesterone can also be used as injections and implants (slow release of horrnones) to inhibit ovulation, Advantages of Hormonal Contraceptives
Administration of progestogens or progestogen-oestragen combinations or IUDs within 72 hrs of intercourse have been found to he effective as emergency contraceplives as they could be used to avoid possible pregnancy due to rape or causal unprotected intercourse. Disadvantages of Hormonal Contraceptives
(i) 1UDs are suggested as ideal contraceptives for the females bul they can have serious sice effects.
(ii) Can cause allergic reaction.
(ili) IF displaced, can cause tissue damage and profuse bleeding.
(iv) IUDs can damage the normal hormonal balance and later even if desired, pregnancy may not be achieved.
(v) Artificial intake can disrupt normal hormonal interactions in the body systen..