Q. 23 How has the discovery of antibiotics helped mankind in the field of medicine?
Of the twentieth century and have greatly contibuted towards the welfare ofthe human
‘Anti's a Gk, word thal means ‘against and bio means lite. together they mean ‘againt life'
(inthe context of disease causing organisms) whereas with reference to human beings,
they are pro ite" and net agains, Antbiotis are chemical substances, which ate produced
by some microbes and can kil of relard the growth of ether (disease-causing) riczobes.
Antiotcs have ratty Improved our capacty to treat deadly cleeases such as plague
whooping caugh (Kali Kans, dighthaia (Gal ghotu) ancl leprosy (Kusht rag), which hac
‘ilo milions al over the globe, Today, we can not imagine a wold wihaut antibiotics.
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