Select the incorrect statement with respect to ecotypes
(1) They are different from each other on the basis of morphological and physiological characters
(2) They are interfertile
(3) They are genetically similar
(4) There may be several ecotypes of the same organism
Select the incorrect statement
(1) Organisms living in oceans, lakes and rivers do not face any water related problems
(2) Productivity and distribution of plants is dependent on water
(3) The levels of thermal tolerance of different species determine to a large extent their geographical distribution
(4) Foraging, reproductive and migratory activities of some animals are dependent on seasonal variation in light
The interaction between two living organisms of different species which is beneficial to both but is not obligatory because they can live without each other is known as
(1) Proto-cooperation
(2) Mutualism or symbiosis
(3) Commensalism
(4) Amensalism
Biotic potential is
(1) Intrinsic rate of natural increase under environmental limited condition
(2) Intrinsic rate of natural increase under environmental unlimited condition
(3) Extrinsic rate of natural increase under environmental limited conditions
(4) Extrinsic rate of natural increase under environmental unlimited conditions
Cattle or goats are never browsing on Calotropis growing in abandoned fields because of the presence of
(1) Poisonous glycosides
(2) Alkaloids like quinine
(3) Opium
(4) Long chain fatty acids
Pollination in Ophrys (a mediterranean orchid) occurs by
(1) Insect through clip mechanism
(2) Insect through trap door mechanism
(3) Insect through pseudocopulation mechanism
(4) Insect through lever mechanism
Which of the following is most appropriately defined?
(1) Commensalism is a relationship in which one species is benefitted and the other is neither benefitted nor harmed.
(2) Parasite is an organism which always lives inside the body of other organism and may kill it
(3) Competition is defined as a process in which the fitness of one species is significantly higher in the presence of another species
(4) Mutualism is a relationship in which one species is benefitted whereas the other is unaffected
Read the following statements and select the correct option with respect to poulation attributes
(a) Population density is necessarily measured in numbers
(b) Tiger census is often based on pug marks and fecal pellets
(c) Biomass is not a meaningful measure to know population size.
(d) Size of a population for any species is not a static parameter
(1) a & b (2) a & d (3) c & d (4) b & d
Which of the following is incorrect with respect to competition?
(1) Resources need not be limiting for competition to occur
(2) Competitive species may evolve mechanism that promote their co-existance
(3) Connel’s field experiment is an example of competitive release
(4) Only closely related species can show competition
Niche is
(1) All the biological factors in the organism's environment
(2) The physical space where an organism lives
(3) The functional role played by the organism where it lives
(4) The range of temperature that the organism needs to live
Mycorrhizae are the example of
(1) Fungistasis (2) Amensalism
(3) Antibiosis (4) Mutualism
Plants which produce characterstic pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to
(1) Mesophytes (2) Halophytes
(3) Psammophytes (4) Hydrophytes
Which of the following is correct for r-selected species?
(1) Large number of progeny with small size
(2) Large number of progeny with large size
(3) Small number of progeny with small size
(4) Small number of progeny with large size
Which of the following is correctly matched?
(1) Aerenchyma – Opuntia
(2) Age pyramid – Biome
(3) Parthenium hysterophorus – Threat to biodiversity
(4) Stratification – Population
People who have migrated from the planes to an area adjoining Rohtang pass about six months back
(1) Have the usual RBC count but their haemoglobin has very high binding affinity to
(2) Have more RBCs and their haemoglobin has a lower binding affinity of
(3) Are not physically fit to play games like football
(4) Suffer from altitude sickness with symptoms like naussea, fatigue, etc.
The logistic population growth is expressed by the equation
(1) dN/dt = rN
Which one of the following is categorised as a parasite in true sense?
(1) The cuckoo (koel) lays its eggs in crow's nest
(2) The female Anopheles bites and sucks blood from human
(3) Human foetus developing inside the uterus draw nourishment form the mother
(4) Head louse living on the human scalp as well as laying eggs on human hair
Consider the following four conditions (a - d) and select the correct pair of them as adaptation to environment in desert lizards.
The conditions
(a) Burrowing in soil to escape high temperature
(b) Losing heat rapidly from the body during high temperature
(c) Bask in sun when temperature is low
(d) Insulating body due to thick fatty dermis
(1) (a), (b) (2) (c), (d) (3) (a), (c) (4) (b), (d)
What type of human population is represented by the following age pyramid?
(1) Expanding population (2) Vanishing population
(3) Stable population (4) Declining population
The figure given below is a diagrammatic representation of response of organisms to abiotic factors. What do a, b and c represent respectively?
(a) (b) (c)
(1) Conformer Regulator Partial regulator
(2) Regulator Partial regulator Conformer
(3) Partial regulator Regulator Conformer
(4) Regulator Conformer Partial regulator
Which one of the following is most appropriately defined?
(1) Host is an organism which provides food to another organism
(2) Amensalism is a relationship in which one species is benefited whereas the other is unaffected
(3) Predator is an organism that catches and kills other organism for food
(4) Parasite is an organism which always lives inside the body of other organism and may kill it
Which one of the following is one of the characteristics of a biological community?
(1) Sex-ratio (2) Stratification
(3) Natality (4) Mortality
Study the four statements (a–d) given below and select the two correct ones out of them
(a) A lion eating a deer and a sparrow feeding on grain are ecologically similar in being consumers
(b) Predator star fish Pisaster helps in maintaining species diversity of some invertebrates
(c) Predators ultimately lead to the extinction of prey species
(d) Production of chemicals such as nicotine, strychnine by the plants are metabolic disorders
The two correct statements are
(1) (a) and (b) (2) (b) and (c) (3) (c) and (d) (4) (a) and (d)
Quercus species are the dominant component in
(1) Tropical rain forests (2) Temperate deciduous forests
(3) Alpine forests (4) Scrub forests
Consider the following four statements (a - d) about certain desert animals such as kangaroo rat.
(a) They have dark colour and high rate of reproduction and excrete solid urine.
(b) They do not drink water, breathe at a slow rate to conserve water and have their body covered with thick hairs.
(c) They feed on dry seeds and do not require drinking water.
(d) They excrete very concentrated urine and do not use water to regulate body temperature.
Which two of the above statements for such animals are true?
(1) a and b (2) c and d (3) b and c (4) c and a
If the mean and the median pertaining to a certain character of a population are of the same value, the following is most likely to occur:
(1) A skewed curve (2) A normal distribution
(3) A bi-modal distribution (4) A T-shaped curve
Geometric representation of age structure is a characteristic of
(1) Ecosystem (2) Biotic community
(3) Population (4) Landscape
A high density of elephant population in an area can result in
(1) Predation on one another (2) Mutualism
(3) Intra specific competition (4) Inter specific competition
Niche overlap indicates
(1) Active co-operation between two species
(2) Two different parasites on the same host
(3) Sharing of one or more resources between the two species
(4) Mutualism between two species
Animals have the innate ability to escape from predation. Examples for the same are given below. Select the incorrect example:
(1) Enlargement of body size by swallowing air in puffer fish
(2) Melanism in moths
(3) Poison fangs in snakes
(4) Colour change in chameleon
At which latitude, heat gain through insolation approximately equals heat loss through terrestrial radiation?
(1) 66° North and South
(2) North and South
(3) 40° North and South
(4) North and South
The abundance of a species population within its habitat, is called
(1) Relative density (2) Regional density
(3) Absolute density (4) Niche density
Consider the following statement (A)-(D) each with one or two blanks.
(A) Bears go into during winter to cold weather
(B) A conical age pyramid with a broad base represents human population
(C) A wasp pollinating a fig flower is an example of
(D) An area with high levels of species richness is known as
Which one of the following options, gives the correct fill ups for the respective blank numbers from (1) to (5) in the statements?
(1) (3) - expanding, (4) - commensalism, (5) - biodiversity park
(2) (1) - hibernation, (2) - escape, (3) - expanding, (5) - hot spot (3)
(3) - stable, (4) - commensalism, (5) - marsh
(4) (1) - aestivation, (2) - escape, (3) - stable, (4) - mutualism
Benthic organisms are affected most by
(1) Water-holding capacity of soil
(2) Light reaching the forest floor
(3) Surface turbulence of water
(4) Sediment characteristics of aquatic ecosystems
Which one of the following is not a parasitic adaptation?
(1) Loss of unnecessary sense organs
(2) Development of adhesive organs
(3) Loss of digestive organs
(4) Loss of reproductive capacity
In a lake, phytoplankton grow in abundance in
(1) Littoral zone (2) Limnetic zone
(3) Profundal zone (4) Benthic region
Littoral zone is located along the
(1) High mountains (2) Sea
(3) Forests (4) Desert
The age pyramid with broad base indicates
(1) High percentage of young individuals
(2) High percentage of old individuals
(3) Low percentage of young individuals
(4) A stable population
In which one of the following pairs is the specific characteristic of a soil not correctly matched?
(1) Laterite - Contains aluminium compound
(2) Terra rosa - Most suitable for roses
(3) Chernozems - Richest soil in the world
(4) Black soil - Rich in calcium carbonate
According to Darwin, the organic evolution is due to
(1) Interspecific competition
(2) Competition within closely related species
(3) Reduced feeding efficiency in one species due to the presence of interfering species
(4) Intraspecific competition