Which one of the following flowers produce assured seed set even in the absence of pollinators?
(1) Homogamous
(2) Geitonogamous
(3) Cleistogamous
(4) Chasmogamous
Outbreeding device which prevents autogamy but not geitonogamy is
(1) Monoecious as in castor
(2) Dioecious as in papaya
(3) Self incompatibility as in tobacco
(4) Monocliny as in Hibiscus
Majority of sexually reproducing organisms have which of the following condition for gametes?
(1) Both male and female gametes are motile
(2) Male gamete is motile and the female gamete is non-motile
(3) Male gamete is non-motile and the female gamete is motile
(4) Both male and female gametes are non-motile
There are 10 flowers in one individual plant of Datura. In each microsporangium of every stamen of all the flowers, there are 20 microspore mother cells. How many pollen grains are formed from that plant?
(1) 4,000
(2) 1,600
(3) 16,000
(4) 320
How many divisions are necessary for the complete development of male gametophyte from pollen mother cell?
(1) One meiotic and two mitotic divisions
(2) One meiotic and one mitotic divisions
(3) Two meiotic and one mitotic divisions
(4) Two mitotic cell divisions
Effect of pollen grain on the characters of endosperm is called
(1) Metaxenia
(2) Nemec phenomenon
(3) Xenia
(4) Mesogamy
Artificial hybridisation approach for the improvement of date-palms involves
i. Emasculation
ii. Bagging
iii. Debagging
iv. Dusting
v. Rebagging
(1) i ii iii iv v
(2) iv ii i
(3) ii iii iv v
(4) i ii
Which layer of anther wall is concerned with the production of both enzymes and hormones?
(1) Non-archesporial layer
(2) Middle layer
(3) Tapetum
(4) Endothecium
Embryogeny in flowering plants is
(1) Meroblastic and endoscopic
(2) Meroblastic and exoscopic
(3) Holoblastic and exoscopic
(4) Holoblastic and endoscopic
Find odd one out with respect to the plants where endosperm is completely consumed by developing embryo
(1) Pea and beans
(2) Ground nut and gram
(3) Castor and coconut
(4) Orchid and mustard
The hilum and micropyle lie side by side very close to each other in
(1) Anatropous ovule
(2) Campylotropous ovule
(3) Amphitropous ovule
(4) Circinotropous ovule
The arrangement of the nuclei in a Oenothera type embryo sac is
(1) 3 + 2 + 3
(2) 3 + 1 + 0
(3) 2 + 4 + 2
(4) 2 + 3 + 3
When the ovule is curved and embryo sac becomes horse shoe shaped, such an ovule is present in
(1) Lemna, poppy
(2) Piper, Polygonum
(3) Ranunculus
(4) Leguminosae, cruciferae
Crassinucellate ovule shows
(1) Absence of nucellus
(2) Well developed nucellus
(3) Partially developed nucellus
(4) Ramenant nucellus
The largest cell of female gametophyte is
(1) Antipodal cell
(2) Helper cell
(3) Binucleate central cell
(4) Wall-less central cell
Radicle tip in the dicot embryogeny is formed by
(1) Hypobasal tier
(2) Epibasal tier
(3) Hypophysis
(4) Micropylar suspensor cell
Choose the mismatched option with respect to pollination
(1) Wind - Cannabis - Anemophily
(2) Birds - Adansonia - Ornithophily
(3) Water - Zostera - Hydrophily
(4) Insects - Salvia - Entomophily
Both pollen grains and stigma are sticky in
(1) Hydrophilous flower
(2) Entomophilous flower
(3) Anemophilous flower
(4) More than one option is correct
Fertlization by the entry of pollen tube through integument is called
(1) Chalazogamy
(2) Mesogamy
(3) Porogamy
(4) Basogamy
What is incorrect for apomixis?
(1) Is genetically controlled
(2) To produce seeds without fertilization
(3) Prevents the segregation of traits of the hybrid varieties
(4) Leads to inbreeding depression and decreases hybrid vigourness
Select the correct order of endosperm types with respect to
(1) Cellular, helobial, free nuclear
(2) Cellular, free nuclear, helobial
(3) Helobial, free nuclear, cellular
(4) Free nuclear, cellular, helobial
Polyembryony in Citrus
(1) Involve diploid egg parthenogenesis
(2) Do not involve gametophyte in apomictic cases
(3) Was first reported by Haning
(4) Is aposporic development
The thin and continuous wall layer of pollen is
(1) Exine
(2) Intine
(3) Germ pore
(4) Endothecium
The pollen viability period of rice and pea respectively, is
(1) 30 minutes and several months
(2) Several months and 30 minutes
(3) Few days and few months
(4) Few days in both the cases
The structures which guide the pollen tube into synergid is
(1) Antipodals
(2) Germ pore
(3) Aril
(4) Filiform apparatus
Pollen pistil interaction is
(1) Chemically mediated process
(2) Dynamic process
(3) Genetically controlled process
(4) More than one option is correct
Mark the incorrect statement
(1) Outer three layers of anther wall are protective in function
(2) Sporogenous tissue, occupies the centre of each microsporangium
(3) Cells of tapetum and endothecium show increase in DNA contents by endomitosis and polyteny
(4) Ploidy level of microspore tetrad is haploid
Select incorrect statement regarding microsporogenesis in an anther
(1) Large number of microspore mother cells differentiate in one pollen sac
(2) Each microsporogenesis involves one meiosis and two mitosis
(3) Microspore tetrads may be tetrahedral or isobilateral
(4) It consumes tapetum and middle layers
An angiospermic plant is having 24 chromosomes in its leaf cells. The number of chromosomes present in synergid, pollen grain, nucellus & endosperm will be respectively
(1) 12, 12, 12, 72
(2) 8, 8, 12, 36
(3) 12, 12, 24, 36
(4) 12, 12, 12, 36
The devices to discourage self pollination are
(1) Pollen release and stigma receptivity is not synchronised
(2) Anther and stigma are placed at different position
(3) Rejection of pollen by stigma of the same flowers
(4) All of these
Choose the correct option from the following
I. Dehydration and dormancy of mature seed are crucial for seed storage.
II. Seed of Lupinus arcticus is the oldest one which germinated after 2000 year.
III. Orchid seed is one of largest seed in plant Kingdom.
IV. Seeds of parasitic plants Orobanche and Striga are tiny seeds.
(1) I, II are correct but III, IV are incorrect
(2) I, IV are correct but II, III are incorrect
(3) III, IV are correct but I, II are incorrect
(4) II, III are correct but I, IV are incorrect
Choose the correct option from the following statements.
I. Apomixis is form of asexual reproduction which mimics sexual reproduction.
II. In Apomixis seeds develop either from diploid egg cell or from cells of nucellus.
III. Seeds collected from hybrids plant maintain hybrid character for a longer times.
IV. In Apomixis, there is segregation of characters.
(1) All are correct
(2) All are incorrect
(3) Only I and II are correct
(4) Only II and IV are correct
Coconut water from a tender coconut is:
(1) Degenerated nucellus
(2) Immature embryo
(3) Free nuclear endosperm
(4) Innermost layers of the seed coat
Perisperm differs from endosperm in
(1) Having no reserve food
(2) Being a diploid tissue
(3) Its formation by fusion of secondary nucleus with several sperms
(4) Being a haploid tissue
Which one of the following statements is correct ?
(1) Sporogenous tissue is haploid
(2) Endothecium produces the microspores
(3) Tapetum nourishes the developing pollen
(4) Hard outer layer of pollen is called intine
The gynoecium consists of many free pistils in flowers of
(1) Papaver
(2) Michelia
(3) Aloe
(4) Tomato
Which one of the following statements is wrong?
(1) When pollen is shed at two-celled stage, double fertilization does not take place
(2) Vegetative cell is larger than generative cell
(3) Pollen grains in some plants remain viable for months
(4) Intine is made up of cellulose and pectin
What is common between vegetative reproduction and Apomixis?
(1) Both occur round the year
(2) Both produces progeny identical to the parent
(3) Both are applicable to only dicot plants
(4) Both bypass the flowering phase
What would be the number of chromosomes of the aleurone cells of a plant with 42 chromosomes in its root tip cells?
(1) 21
(2) 42
(3) 63
(4) 84
Male gametes in angiosperms are formed by the division of
(1) Microspore mother cell
(2) Microspore
(3) Generative cell
(4) Vegetative cell
Which of the following statements is wrong?
(1) Pollen grains remain viable for several months because their outer covering is made of sporopollenin
(2) No enzyme can degrade sporopollenin
(3) Pollen grains are well represented in fossil strata due to sporopollenin
(4) Pollen wall has cavities containing proteins
An ovule which becomes curved so that the nucellus and embryo sac lie at right angle to the funicle, is
(1) Hemitropous
(2) Campylotropous
(3) Anatropous
(4) Orthotropous