Vitamin-K is required for
1. change of prothrombin to thrombin
2. synthesis of prothrombin
3. change of fibrinogen to fibrin
4. formation of thromboplastin
The thick muscular projections on the walls of the ventricle are called
1. Chordae tendineae
2. Columnae carneae
3. Conus arteriosus
4. Truncus arteriosus
Which of the following is a correct statement?
1. The volume of blood in pulmonary circulation is more than the volume of blood in systemic circulation at any instant.
2. The blood pressure in pulmonary circulation is less than that of the systemic circulation.
3. DOuble circulation is characteristic of all vertebrates.
4. A double aortic arch is se3n in birds and mammals.
When type B agglutinogen is not present on the surface of RBC of a person, his plasma would contain ________ agglutinins.
1. Anti-a
2. Anti-b
3. Both anti-a and anti-b
4. None
Oxalates and citrates are used as anticoagulants in stored blood because they:
1. Chelate calcium ions
2. Act as competitive inhibitors of vitamin K
3. Potentiate anti-thrombin III
4. Activate heparin
With respect to blood, the composition of lymph can be expressed as:
1. No RBc, No Platelets, Less proteins, Less calcium and phosphorus, Predominant corpuscles lymphocytes
2. No RBc, No Platelets, Less proteins, More calcium and phosphorus, Predominant corpuscles lymphocytes
3. No RBc, Less Platelets, Less proteins, Less calcium and phosphorus, Predominant corpuscles macrophages
4. No RBc, Less Platelets, Less proteins, Less calcium and phosphorus, Predominant corpuscles monocytes
Histamine in blood is secreted by:
1. Mast cells
2. Macrophages
3. Eosinophils
4. Basophils
A person with AB blood group:
1. Has A and B antigens in his plasma
2. Lacks any antibodies on RBC surface
3. Can receive blood transfusion from a person his own group
4. Can donate blood to all other group recipients
What percentage of ventricular filling is achieved by atrial contraction?
1. 30
2. 50
3. 70
4. 90
Normal activities of the human heart are regulated:
1. Intrinsically
2. By the autonomic nervous system
3. By the brain stem
4. By the diencephalon
A common symptom produced by myocardial ischemia is:
1. Hypertension
2. Vertigo
3. Angina
4. Hyperventilation
The steps of the cardiac cycle in a sequence are...
1. isovolumic contraction, isovolumic relaxation, ejection, passive ventricular filling, active ventricular filling.
2. isovolumic relaxation, isovolumic contraction, ejection, passive ventricular filling, active ventricular filling.
3. isovolumic contraction, ejection, isovolumic relaxation, passive ventricular filling, active ventricular filling.
4. isovolumic contraction, ejection, isovolumic relaxation, active ventricular filling, passive ventricular filling.
The first heart sound or the 'lubb' is produced:
1. Near the end of the atrial systole
2. Immediately after the start of the ventricular systole
3. Near the end of the ventricular systole
4. Immediately after the start of the ventricular diastole
Congestion of the lungs is one of the main symptoms in:
1. Hypotension
2. Coronary artery disease
3. Angina
4. Heart failure
The right atria of the human heart receive:
1. Oxygenated blood
2. Deoxygenated blood
3. Arteria blood
4. Venous blood
Primary lymphatic organs serve as the site for:
1. antibody formation
2. lymph formation
3. lymphocytes to encounter and bind to antigens
4. lymphocyte formation and maturation
Explain the reason there is a delay in processing the electrical signal from the AV node to the AV bundle. To:
1. allow the atria to complete their contraction prior to ventricular contraction
2. ensure the right and left atria contract at the same time
3. ensure the right and left ventricles contract at the same time
4. prevent an ectopic pacemaker
In mammals, which blood vessel would normally carry largest amount of urea?
1. Dorsal Aorta
2. Hepatic Vein
3. Hepatic Portal Vein
4. Renal Vein
Erythropoiesis starts in:-
1. kidney
2. liver
3. spleen
4. red bone marrow
A patient brought to a hospital with myocardial infarction is normally immediately given
1. penicillin
2. streptokinase
3. cyclosporin-A
4. statins
In the foetus, the ductus arteriosus connects the
1. pulmonary vein with pulmonary artery
2. pulmonary artery with aorta
3. pulmonary vein with aorta
4. pulmonary artery with vena cava
Which one of the following is a matching pair of a certain body feature and its value/count in a human adult?
1. Urea -5-10 mg/100 ml of blood
2. Blood sugar (fasting) -80-100 mg/100 ml
3. Total blood volume -3-4 litres
4. ESR in Wintroble method -9-15 mm in males and 20-34 mm in females
You are required to draw blood from a patient and to keep it in a test for analysis of blood corpuscles and plasma. You are also provided with the following four types of test tubes. Which of these will you not use for the purpose?
1. Test tube containing calcium bicarbonate
2. Chilled test tube
3. Test tube containing heparin
4. Test tube containing sodium oxalate
Mature RBCs lose their ability for
1. DNA replication
2. Anaerobic respiration
3. Aerobic respiration and DNA replication
4. Aerobic respiration, DNA replication and RNA synthesizing machinery
Which of the following matches correctly?
1. Factor II - Thromboplastin
2. Factor III - Prothrombin
3. Factor VIII - Antihaemophilic globulin
4. Factor XII - Haemphilic
Serum is-
1. Blood - corpuscles
2. Blood - corpuscles - clotting factors
3. Plasma - clotting factors
4. Both (2) and (3)
The universal donor and acceptor will be -
1. O- and AB-
2. O- and AB+
3. O+ and AB-
4. O+ and AB+
Which of the following are not correct:
(i) Spleen is the graveyard for RBC.
(ii) All the mammals have biconcave RBCs.
(iii) Clotting factors present in plasma are in active form.
(iv) All the substances released by platelets are involved in clotting only.
1. (i), (iii), (iv)
2. (ii), (iii), (iv)
3. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
4. (ii), (iii)
Lymph has the following
(i) Same mineral distribution as that of plasma
(ii) Intestine also has lymph
(iii) Also known as tissue fluid because it helps in exchange
(iv) Lymph plays role in defence as well
How many statements are correct?
1. 3
2. 2
3. 4
4. 1
In open circulatory system, blood is pumped through
1. Sinuses to large vessels
2. Large vessels to sinuses
3. Cavities to organs
4. Spaces to large vessels
Consider the following statement with respect to heart:
(i) It has the double walled membranous bag.
(ii) Human heart has four chambers: two larger atria and two median ventricles.
(iii) Human heart is mesodermal in origin and is situated in abdominal cavity.
(iv) There is no clear separation between atria and ventricles.
How many of the statements given above are correct?
1. 2
2. 3
3. 1
4. All are wrong
If the stroke volume of Human heart is considered 80 mL and to pump 5L of blood how many beats are required?
1. 63
2. 70
3. 72
4. 60
The sequence of opening (O) and closing (C) of heart - values are:
1. AV valves open before the closure of SL or semilunar valves.
2. AV valves close before the closure of SL or semilunar valves.
3. AV valves open after the closure of SL or semilunar valves.
4. AV valves close with the closure of SL or semilunar valves.
Which side of the heart is involved in pulmonary circulation?
1. left side
2. right side
3. partially left side and completely right side
4. both side equally
The action potential of ventricular side and to the entire ventricular musculature is conducted by-
1. AVN, AV bundle and Bundle of His
2. SAN, AVN, AV bundle and Bundle of His
3. SAN, AV bundle and Bundle of His
4. Only by Bundle of His
Imagine, if the semilunar valves do not work, which of the following event won't happen surely?
1. Atrial Contraction
2. Ventricular Contraction
3. Flow of blood
4. Heart sound production
During the initiation of coagulation of blood, the platelets are activated by-
1. Thrombin
2. Trauma
3. Ca++
4. Thrombokinase
Assertion: EEG is of immense diagnostic value in cardiac diseases.
Reason: Defects in cardiac functions can be reflected in changes in the pattern of electrical potentials recorded in the EEG.
Assertion: Total count of RBC comes out to be very low in polycythemia.
Reason: Number of erythrocytes get reduced in the condition of polycythemia.
A man with blood group 'A' marries a woman with blood group 'B'. What are all the possible blood groups of their offsprings?
1. O only
2. A and B only
3. A, B and AB only
4. A, B, AB and O
There is no capillary system in case of most of the invertebrates except
1. Crustaceans
2. Cephalopods
3. Insects
4. Gastropods
Which of the following diseases is also known as atherosclerosis?
1. Hypertension
2. Angina pectoris
3. Heart attack
4. Coronary artery disease (CAD)
The duration of the ventricular diastole in a normal cardiac cycle is:
1. 0.3 second
2. 0.5 second
3. 0.4 second
4. 0.7 second
The strength of ventricular contraction increases when SAN is stimulated by
1. Vagus never
2. Parasympathetic nerve
3. Sympathetic nerve
4. All of these
Repolarisation of the ventricles is represented by:
1. P-wave
2. QRS-wave
3. T-wave
4. Both P and T-wave
Read the following:
a. Lymph absorbs and transports fat from the intestine.
b. Lymph nodes produce fibrinogen
c. Lymphatic capillaries present in the intestinal villi are known as lacteals.
d. Lymph transports oxygen only.
Which of these statements are true?
1. a, c
2. b, d
3. c, d
4. a, b
Thoracic duct drains lymph into
1. Left subclavian vein
2. Right lymphatic duct
3. Right subclavian vein
4. Lymphatic capillaries
Clotting of blood involves:
1. Hemolysis of RBCs
2. Denaturation of albumins by thrombin
3. Inactivation of plasma clotting factors
4. Change of fibrinogen to fibrin by thrombin
The walls of capillaries are composed of endothelium which is
1. Cuboidal epithelium
2. Squamous epithelium
3. Columnar epithelium
4. Stratified epithelium
The granulocyte to arrive first at the site of infection is:
1. Neutrophil
2. Eosinophil
3. Basophil
4. All of these