Candela is the unit of
1. Electric intensity
2. Luminous intensity
3. Sound intensity
4. None of these
The unit of Planck's constant is:
1. Joule
2. Joule/s
3. Joule/m
4. Joule-s
SI unit of permittivity is:
1. C2m2N−1C2m2N−1
2. C−1m2N−2C−1m2N−2
3. C2m2N2C2m2N2
4. C2m−2N−1C2m−2N−1
Which does not has the same unit as others
1. Watt-sec
2. Kilowatt-hour
3. eV
4. J-sec
Which of the following system of units is not based on units of mass, length and time alone
1. SI
2. MKS
3. FPS
4. CGS
The unit of the coefficient of viscosity in S.I. system is
1. m/kg-sm/kg-s
2. m-s/kg2m-s/kg2
3. kg/m-s2kg/m-s2
4. kg/m-skg/m-s
The unit of Young’s modulus is
1. Nm2Nm2
2. Nm−2Nm−2
3. Nm
4. Nm−1Nm−1
One femtometer is equivalent to
1. 1015 m1015 m
2. 10−15 m10−15 m
3. 10−12 m10−12 m
4. 1012 m1012 m